Dorset's biggest & best tribute show

4th July to 5th July Upton Country Park, Poole

« Arena Terms and Conditions »

Arena Terms and Conditions

Updated 20th September 2024


  1. These Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) incorporate and should be read together with any vendor’s and/or agent’s T&Cs or regulations which can be obtained from the point of purchase from the official agents Ticketek
  2. Artists and billed attractions may be subject to change. Upton Country Park Festival (UCPF) reserve the right to alter the bill without prior notification
  3. No trading allowed within the venue without UCPF’s prior consent
  4. No professional type audio-visual recording equipment may be brought into the venue without authorisation
  5. Tickets purchased from touts or secondary ticketing sites may not be granted admittance
  6. You give your express consent to your actual/simulated likeness to be included for no fee within any audio or visual recording to be used in any media for any purpose at any time. This includes filming by the police or security staff which may be carried out for the security of customers and/or the prevention of crime
  7. No unauthorised buses, coaches or trucks will be allowed on site
  8. Right of admission reserved (ROAR)


  1. No unaccompanied under 16s are allowed on site. Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult no less than 21 years of age. Maximum of 3 under 16s per one adult of 21 plus
  2. UCPF bars operate a ‘Challenge 25’ system of checking ID and stopping underage drinking. Anyone who appears to be aged 25 or younger will be asked for valid ID before they can purchase alcohol
  3. UCPF reserves the right to refuse to sell alcohol to anyone who appears intoxicated or under age
  4. Valid and acceptable proof of age/ID will be required at the entry gate in order to pick up your wristband(s) and enter the festival. Valid forms of ID include in date photographic driver’s license or provisional licence, a valid passport, PASS approved ID or military ID where the date of birth is present
  5. No photocopies and no out of date ID will be accepted
  6. No unaccompanied under 16s are permitted to leave the arena at any time


  1. Tickets are non-transferable and only valid when purchased from official agents of UCPF
  2. All persons entering the festival must have a ticket
  3. Tickets/wristbands purchased from unauthorised sources may be rendered invalid and admission refused
  4. Tickets must be exchanged for a wristband on first entry at the entrance gate
  5. Tickets must be valid, presented in full with stubs and not tampered with (in the event of accidental damage refer to point of purchase prior to event). Tickets remain the property of UCPF
  6. UCPF will not issue duplicates or refunds for lost or stolen tickets or wristbands
  7. Tickets cannot be used as part of any marketing, media or sales promotion, without the prior written consent of UCPF
  8. The ticket holder is responsible for their ticket(s) until it is exchanged for a wristband and then responsible for their wristband for the duration of the event
  9. All wristbands remain the property of UCPF until 10.30pm on the last day of the festival
  10. Once wristbands have been issued and put on, any tampering, swapping, removal etc will not be tolerated and those found doing so will be asked to leave the festival


  1. UCPF tickets are sold on a no refund basis and this policy is clearly advertised at the point of sale (Ticketek)
  2. Refunds are only considered in the event of major cancellation or by special exception determined by UCPF
  3. UCPF will always look to postpone rather than cancel an event and tickets purchased for an event which is postponed will automatically transfer to the new date. If the purchaser cannot attend the new date this process will continue ad infinitum until attendance takes place either at UCPF or another Bearfoot Productions Ltd event
  4. No refunds will be given for incorrectly booked tickets
  5. Refunds of booking fees per ticket are subject to the T&Cs of the point of sale
  6. Travel: ensure you look into travel arrangements before you buy your tickets. Whilst we make every effort to help and advise on travel options on our website, we cannot give refunds for problems with getting to and from the festival


  1. UCPF reserves the right to evict a customer without refund and/or refuse admission
  2. Anyone appearing to be under the influence of drugs or drunk at the entry gate shall be refused entry
  3. Venue security reserve the right to carry out bag checks and search customers at entrances, on the site or when leaving
  4. Any item(s) reasonably considered for use as a weapon which may cause danger, offence or disruption to any other person must be surrendered to staff
  5. Any person carrying illegal items or carrying out illegal activity will be given to the Police and refused entry. You may be arrested
  6. Anti-social behaviour may lead to eviction. Please act responsibly


  1. UCPF is unable to accept any liability for personal or property damages, losses (including surrendered items) or injuries sustained at the event other than those caused as a result of our negligence
  2. Vehicle owners use the UCPF car parks at their own risk. The management accept no responsibility for any damage, accident or loss


  1. UCPF operates a ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy to drugs. No illegal substances may be brought into the venue and anyone caught in possession of these substances will be ejected, barred and the police will be informed
  2. No glass or metal cutlery may be brought into the festival site
  3. Food , soft drinks and a reasonable amount of alcoholic drinks may be brought into the site. We define reasonable as: -one litre of alcoholic beverage under 16% ABV per person -neat spirits are not permitted but premixed drinks are fine -no more than one litre per person -there are no restrictions on bottled water and soft drinks -all drink containers must be sealed, including water These are guidelines but please note that anything we consider to be excessive or potentially unsafe may be confiscated or admittance denied
  4. Items banned from the festival include gas canisters, aerosols over 250ml, airhorns, fireworks, flares, glass, illegal substances, drugs, ‘legal highs’ (including nitrous oxide), drug paraphernalia, laser equipment/pens, megaphones, spray cans, glass and metal cutlery
  5. Anyone resisting the surrender of disallowed items or disregarding these conditions will face eviction
  6. Under 18s are not permitted to bring alcohol or purchase alcohol on site. The bars operate a ‘Challenge 25’ system of checking ID and preventing underage drinking. Anyone who appears to be aged 25 or younger will be asked for valid ID before they can purchase alcohol. UCPF reserves the right to refuse to sell alcohol to anyone who appears intoxicated or under age
  7. It is illegal for an over 18 to purchase alcohol on behalf of anyone under 18. Anyone supplying alcohol to underage attendees will be evicted from the event without a refund
  8. Over 18s are permitted within the bar areas only
  9. Please drink responsibly, it is an offence to be drunk and in charge of a child


  1. Fires are not permitted at the festival
  2. Smoking is not permitted in enclosed public spaces or buildings including the main bar/stage area. This includes e-cigarettes
  3. Excessive exposure to loud music may cause damage to your hearing
  4. Pyrotechnics, lasers, smoke machines, strobe lighting/special effects may take place during some performances
  5. The use of drones or similar equipment for any reason is prohibited on or near the event.


  1. Ensure you know where your nearest emergency exits are
  2. Follow any instructions given by stewards, security and police
  3. Move away from any dangerous/antisocial behaviour. Notify security if you see any antisocial or dangerous behaviour
  4. Move to where there is more space if you see a crowd surge occur
  5. Ask for help if you need it and help others, especially if someone falls
  6. Stay calm - if you're in distress, ask to be taken to the Welfare Tent
  7. Look after yourself and those around you, even people you don't know. If you suspect somebody is unwell take them to a first aid or welfare area/tent. If they are not responding please alert a steward immediately who will call for the necessary help. Please don't attempt to move them as you may do more harm than good
  8. If you need to take medication regularly remember to bring it and let your friends know of any illness or allergies you may have and where your medication is stored


  1. Please use the bins and recycling points provided both on and off site
  2. Upton Country Park is a beautiful location and home to an abundance of wildlife. Please help us by keeping it clean and tidy and respect the surroundings
  3. Please ensure you do not leave anything other than ‘general waste’ in the designated areas


  1. Disabled access and toilet facilities are available
  2. Please check our social media for the latest information up to the event:
  3. If any of these T&Cs are unclear please contact [email protected]
  4. UCPF reserve the right to amend these T&Cs at any time
  5. UCPF ticket holders give their express consent to the use of their actual or simulated likeness in connection with the production, exhibition, advertising and/or exploitation of any photos, film, video and/or audio recording of this event and/or any element thereof in any/all media throughout the world
  6. Car park tickets will be available on arrival for £5
  7. Sleeping in any vehicle overnight is not permitted and neither is camping in the car park area. Anyone caught using their vehicle in this way will be removed from the site
  8. Remember: drinking and driving is an offence. Don't risk the lives of yourself and others. Alcohol will dehydrate you. Pace yourself and top up with water or soft drinks

Dorset's biggest & best tribute show

4th July to 5th July